Monday, 11 October 2010

Gratuitous begging post

Now I know it’s not very subtle of me, but here I am begging for your hard-earned cash, if you happen to have any to spare!

Nooooooo … not for me (although, if you do happen to love me that much, I could maybe make an exception) ….. it’s actually for a very good cause.

I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, that I’d made the decision to do a 10k charity run to support my friend Hannah, who had herself signed up as a novice runner.  The run in question is the Ashton Court 10k, which takes place this Sunday 17 October in Bristol, and is in support of Cancer Research.

The more I thought about it, the more I realised that I actually have a great deal to thank this charity for, as my grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer 18 months ago at the tender age of 95, and thanks to the miracles of modern medicine, she was given the all clear earlier this year.  I’ve got no doubt that charities such as Cancer Research have gone a long way towards helping further those same treatments, as well as the tremendous amount of work they do publicising and demystifying cancer and raising awareness of it, helping patient and doctor to make a much faster diagnosis.

That was a couple of weeks ago and in my usual way, other things then got in the way, and I didn’t actually get round to entering the race and setting up a sponsorship page until today.  But here I am, now officially entered, several long preparatory runs completed, and just pointing out that there’s a handy link on the top right hand side of my blog to my sponsorship page …..

(It’s just in case it’s too far to drag your mouse all the way up there)

Have I mentioned how much I love you all recently?  No?  I should do it more often!

Begging over.  Those who were embarrassed may now safely open their eyes as we return to our usual program.

1 comment:

Linz M said...

Consider yourself sponsored :)

Rather you than me and a very worthy cause!
