Thursday, 26 November 2009

Preparing for the Winter

Nice try, Kate, but I'm not giving up my secrets just yet - they still remain firmly shrouded in mystery. Suffice it to say that I spent another hour or so on this little project last night, and I'm slowly gaining confidence in my decisions - sods law is I'll get turned down and it won't happen now .... hmmmmm, has that got you intrigued???

I'm nicely achey this morning after Body Combat last night, I blasted through it giving it my all (what can I say, I had a lot of pent-up aggression to get rid of!), but I felt a few little twinges in my hip and ankle towards the end, which tells me I still need to be careful with my kicks. Balance tonight which is nicely timed to unwind the tightness from the week's exercise.

I started looking at kit yesterday, knowing I wanted some long tights for running in the colder weather. I'm not a fan of the treadmill (DULL!!!!), so would rather be running outside, even in the winter. All the streets round me are pretty well street-lit, and I could take a head-torch if I want to run on the commons or the hills in the dark, so there's no excuse to not go out. I was reading BettyMountainGirl's most recent post, regarding kit, and it did make me laugh as I'm such a magpie for shiny stuff. So I've pared down my list of "wants" - I don't need a new jacket, as my current waterproof is short and well-cut, lightweight and well ventilated, I do want some long tights, but don't need anything extraordinarily expensive, I've survived so far with out specialist headphones and the Nike+ for my iPhone, I would quite like to just get some reflective bands for running in the dark so I don't get mown down, and I already own a fleece headband and lightweight fleece-lined gloves from skiing, so that'll keep me cozy. That's probably cut the cost in half! Plus I can use the tights for biking in the winter too - no excuses not to get out!

That's pretty much it for me, at the moment. I'm doing the photo diary thing again today - boring for you guys but useful for me - just trying to rein in the damage from the weekend - a half a lb loss this week would be fab after the over-eat of the weekend, but I'm somewhat dubious that will happen!


kate said...

have a look at ronhill running stuff. cheapish and does the job.

not only am i intregeued, now i'm trying to work out what you do, 'fx mapping'....taking stalking to a whole new level ;)

Linz M said...

I so wish I could run, I manage about 2 minutes and I am ready to keel over. I guess it will come as I get lighter and fitter.

Keep going with the photo diary, I already feel myself swaying since I stopped. Plus I love to have a nosey at what everyone else eats!

Very intrigued by your secret - sounds most exciting. Good on ya!

Have a fab weekend in London, I love Clapham!


Anonymous said...

Im off into london myself this weekend my friend is taking me to the aquarium then off on an adventure someplace that he wont tell me. I must admit i'm starting to love jogging. i cant run yet but I can imagine feeling elated when I can run for 10 minutes then 20 then half an hour, without feeling like im about to die. it must be awesome feeling fit.