Thursday, 29 September 2011

Cold Comfort

I had a somewhat traumatic evening yesterday, and after putting myself through the emotional wringer, I found myself at the crossroads of Eat Or Just Feel Bad.

I compromised.  I didn't eat til dinner time, and I didn't open the wine until Hannah arrived for dinner.  We had fajitas for dinner, which is comfort food after a bad day, without being too excessive, but there was also a little too much wine, and a box of 5 millionaire slices between two of us.  I may have eaten 3 of them.  So there was a degree of comfort eating, but contained to a social environment and a single meal.  After all, it never really replaces the emotions and neutralises them, does it?

Thankfully, there was also much needed unloading and sage advice, and later on, somewhat tiddly laughter.  Breaking up with people is crap, but having friends close by makes it a bit better.

This morning is fresh, shiny and new.  Yes, I'm very single again, but I can look good in a pretty dress, eat right and go to a much needed spin class at lunch.  I haven't been to spin in aaaaages and I've missed it.  And it will help quell a little of the shortbread guilt from last night.

We are strong.


Love Cat said...

Oh honey. Relationships suck and it's horrible feeling like you've upset someone.

Good work on indulging just a little it. And lunchtime spin is always a winner. x

Seren said...

Oh, what a shame! But well done for containing the comfort eating, I bet no real damage done there.

You are very strong!
