Thursday, 17 December 2009

Is there an end in sight yet?

Is it a success that I'm stressed but know that what I eat doesn't make me feel any better, so there's no point doing it anymore?

I stayed on plan yesterday. I might even do it again today. I'm desperately looking forward to yoga later so I can just release all this tension I'm holding onto right now and re-centre a bit - trite-sounding but true.

I'll feel a lot better when I break from work for Xmas - ironically I'm a lot more in control away from the office. At the moment, I'm just looking forward to the respite of the weekend though.

-- Posted from my iPhone


Cole Walter Mellon said...

It's the moooooost stresssssful time of the year...

Zanna said...

It's a success - well done on not losing sight of what's important to you in the midst of dealing with what's important to other people (that's what seems to cause us the stress I think). Zxx

trio said...

It's always going to be hard, but you are doing so well. Keep it up!

Linz M said...

Yes it's a success, I know exactly how you are feeling at the moment.

Well done for staying on plan, you're a step ahead of me :)

Lizzie said...

dude - ive been meaning to email you properly for about 2 weeks now and say a huuuuge THANK YOU for your amazing comments to me re the whole injury debacle. - seriously, your support means so so much and so THANK YOU!!!!!

heaps of love - enjoy yoga (still not allowed to do it - boooo - do a headstand for me!!) love liz xxx