Wednesday, 15 July 2009



Due to the way the online points tracker works and a complete cock-up on my behalf, I've just realised that I completely miscalculated how many points I had left for dinner. So I've just got back from a spontaneous pub dinner, and smugly filled in the tracker, only to be told that I'm now 4 points over for the week.

Note to self - pay more attention in future!!!

Epic fail.


Cole Walter Mellon said...

If I had a good pub nearby, I'd be doomed. Doomed, I tell ya.

Anne H said...

I hate it when that happens!

Michele said...

I went to a bar for Happy Hour last night and it was just about all I could do not to order every freakin' greasy bad food on the menu! I settled for smoked fish dip (not too awful) with extra veggies and I did not touch the tortilla chips, let my man devour those babies. :) Kinda proud of myself today, at least til I think about the 3 glasses of wine that I gulped!