Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Pavlovas, pears and pineapples

Hands up, I admit it, I ended up getting yesterday a bit wrong.

Ah, bugger.

My food plan stayed as I'd made it, unfortunately my exercise plan
didn't. I decided against circuits as I'm still suffering with a few
twinges here and there, and a bit stiff, so my plan was to instead take
physio approved exercise and walk my ass to and from the pub for
birthday drinks for Sid. I realise that this sounds like the biggest
cop out EVER, so just to clear that up - the pub is a good 20 min walk
away (we usually walk it, but it's a very good pub, so well worth it),
I'm staying well clear of the alcohol at the moment, so all I drink when
I get there is Diet Coke or sparkling water, and then another 20 min
walk home again. Plan went slightly wrong in that we were late leaving
and Sid therefore decided to drive us all to the pub and abandon the car
there. Half my walk gone. And then as we finally got thrown out after
closing, we realised it was absolutely pissing down with rain, and being
that we weren't really in the mood to get drenched (and I had a coat and
boots on that really wouldn't appreciate it), and I hadn't drunk and was
therefore good to drive the car - we promptly chauffeured ourselves back
home again.

Then there was a sneaky bit of birthday cake.

It could have been a whole lot worse - it was a 5 point deficit in the
end, but irritating none the less.

Here's another irritating thing - I'd been thinking about the cake all
evening, knowing it would be in the boys' kitchen, and had decided to
soak up the deficit and allow myself a piece. But despite it being home
made pavlova, and therefore worthy of point sacrifice, when I actually
got round to eating it, it just wasn't as good as I'd built it up to be
in my head. Which is kind of disappointing.

I've noticed this happening a few times recently - I have something I've
been really craving, and then get reminded that it's really not all
that. On the flip-side, sometimes I talk myself into eating something,
and even though I wasn't that enthusiastic about it, it's way better
than I'd been expecting! Mostly that happens when I'm trying to make
good decisions with my snacks .... yesterday afternoon it was the
decision between a treat size pot of Cadbury Buttons and the pot of
fresh pineapple I'd bought from home. I talked myself into the
pineapple and it actually tasted amazing in the end - and was obviously
a far bigger portion for the points. I'm glad I made that choice.

I'm also totally in love with pears at the moment. In the spirit of
still trying to keep my diet varied, I'm trying to buy different fruit
each week. Recently, I've had nectarines, satsumas, apples, pineapple,
mango, raspberries and strawberries. And this week it's pears. So nice
too! I haven't had them in forever, but I remember my mum loving them
when I was little - will definitely get them again!

Continuing my routinve of making each day a good one, yesterday's
mistake is behind me. Today is a fresh start and another chance to get
it right. So far, I'm bang on track to achieve that, and I've planned
out the rest of my day to keep that going.

My final test for today will be whether my new boardshorts fit - eeeeek!
I ummed and ahhhed for ages over which size to order, as last time I
tried on the size 16 they were a bit big, but I'm worried that a 14 will
be too small. I eventually bought the 14, with the thought that I can
always get my hands on some bigger ones if I need to. They arrived this
morning, but I haven't had a chance to try them on yet. They look a bit
small ... but then I think loads of my clothes look to small for me at
the moment ... so I won't know until I get home this evening. Fingers


nic said...

You had good intentions, so BRAVO for that!

Today is a new day, and you know that, and you're already on the right track!

Linz M said...

Good on ya for getting straight back at it.

I know what you mean about building something up and then eating it and being disappointed - just goes to show how our tastes change once we start eating better!

Lizzie said...

ohhh but BUTTONS!! Especially the giant ones? is there anythgn QUITE so good as dipping them in tea and eating them all melty?! *slobber* Just me then? Dammit!

Suck it up Starry! You're ROCKING IT! a little bit o' cake will be fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!!

LOVES U xxxx

Anonymous said...

Its a cool idea to try different fruit I think I might do that, only I know what i'll do is just buy loads of mangoes. I love mangoes. If there was one thing I was doomed to be stuck eating for the rest of my life, mangoes would be it.
Anticipation usually wrecks things for me too, if i've hyped something up, be it obsessing about the biscuits in the cupboard, or a new movie at the cinema, or going out with mates, if I work myself up into a tizz over it, I always end up walking away dissapointed after i've done whatever it is i've been looking forward to.

kate said...

if i've spent all day trying to avoid the biscuit tin then suddenly succumb, i usually realsie after about the fourth one that i'm not actually enjoying it at all-it was just the idea of it. why does my brain trick me all the time. like you said it's a new day.....and well, there aren't any biscuits left today ;)