Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Sushi and mud

Oh my lord - I'm eating sushi for my lunch, at my desk - how metropolitan, up-to-the moment, city folk do I feel! Actually, it's pretty damn tasty, although I need to check exactly how many points it is, and it makes a nice change from sandwiches and soup - see, I'm widening my foodie horizons!

I'm due to do my first session with the running club tonight, and just in time all the rain's come back, so I think I'll be digging out my older "outdoors" trainers to be running in, since I suspect it's going to be mighty muddy out on the common - those trainers have already been through several rivers during canyoning trips, and scuffed their way up and over via-ferrata courses though, so I don't think a bit of British mud is going to make them much worse.

My impromtu run last night means that even with last night's unplanned dinner I'm only a point over for the week so far, which'll be put back in the black after an hour running round the common tonight, so that's good.

So it's all good for this week so far. I need to do a bit of thinking about my strategy for the beer festival this weekend. I'm not a big beer-drinker, so I doubt I'll be putting too many pints away (in fact normally my beer intake is strictly limited to the occasional cold bottle on the beach on holiday), but I suspect there might be a fair bit of bad food floating round in the evening to avoid.

Not much else to report, except that I whipped out the tape-measure to get an update on the inches last night and there's bits disappearing here and there still. It seems to have come off my arms and legs this time, so maybe that's the Body Combat and running having an effect. I'll post the latest up here soon.

More anon, folks.


Cole Walter Mellon said...

Sushi has been one of my secret weapons on my march towards better health. If I could cut down on the soy sauce a little (and it was a little bit cheaper), I think it'd be the perfect lunch food.

Carlos said...

love sushi at the desk. or in a plane or on a get the idea