Thursday, 1 July 2010

Pushing forwards

Sometimes the run just doesn't come together and it's all you can do not to just give up and walk home. That's how I felt last night: tired, heavy legs and scoffing feet, too hot and unfocused. I persevered, walking when I absolutely had to but refusing to stop once I was in the final quarter. I actually felt a but dizzy by the time I got back to the car but it passed.

Sometimes the best you can say of a run is it's finished. Another 5km in the bag.

I was so hungry when I got home, that I was tempted to empty the whole pack of capaletti into the pan. I had the points available after all. But that feels to close to a fat-me behaviour - eating two portions is what the old me would have done. New me had the correct single portion and then added some grilled chicken and fresh spinach to pad it out. Only slightly less points than having the double portion, but a better mix on my plate of carbs and fat, to lean protein and greenery.

But the rewards of sticking to my guns yesterday and pushing on through? The scales slipped down to 12 st 9.5 again this morning. One of the lowest weights of the last 6 months.

In a fit of obsessive uber-geekiness yesterday, I looked up the restaurants I knew were on this weekend's itinerary and noted down my menu choices in my tracking notes on my phone. Yes - I'm still doing that. That actually feels really helpful because with my dinners booked in I know what I've got to play with at the other mealtimes.

I hit all of yesterday's mini-goals. I ate on plan, I ran and I planned a bit for the weekend. I even managed to put some of my washing in ahead of time!

Tonight is my first counselling session after work. I'm a little bit nervous but also feel quite calm.

Ta for all the lovely comments on the dresses yesterday by the way - I think this is the first year that I'm really going to enjoy getting dressed up and feel comfortable in dresses.

- Posted from my iPhone

1 comment:

Lizzie said...

re frocks - you look amazzzzzing and the last one i absolutely LOVED!

re counselling - it's normal to be nervous, just try and relax, be YOU and remember it's there to HELP not add to stress and anxiety! Can't wait to hear all about it lady
